Online registration for the Lichen Sclerosus Association

Please consult the information and details in the box "Becoming a member" and "what we want and offer/what we offer in the password-protected section" before completing the registration form. The membership fee is 40 CHF or 35 Euro (fee in $ or $ on request)

At the moment you can find a lot of German information on our information platform, but we are now translating the information into Italian, French and English as well. Until the translations are complete, you can use Google Translator or to read some of the information and documents.  We also provide exchange forums in Italian, French and English we will gladly put you in touch with members of your language to allow an direct exchange.

As a member of the Lichen Sclerosus Association, you have the right to vote at association meetings, receive regular newsletters from the association, have access to the password-protected area, can view and be part of the gender forum that concerns you, participate, if you wish, in regional exchange or self-help groups or actively collaborate in our awareness/information work.

After submitting the form, you will automatically receive by e-mail a confirmation/invoice with details of the account for the payment of the annual fee valid for the current year (fee in US$ and $ on request). No postal deliveries of the invoice will be made, as we normally only communicate with our members by e-mail.
Discretion and data protection are of the utmost importance to our Association. We treat personal data confidentially and do not provide any personal data to third parties. In this respect, we also have an overview of our data protection regulations and the statutes to which you will be bound from the moment you register.
Once you have completed and sent the e-mail form, you will receive on screen a notification and, separately, an e-mail at the address you have provided.

If you have any questions or problems filling in the form, please contact us at 

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So bin ich auf den Verein Lichen Sclerosus aufmerksam geworden:

Bei korrektem Einfüllen und nach Absenden des online-Formulars erhalten Sie auf dem Bildschirm eine entsprechende Bestätigungs-Meldung und separat ein Email auf die angegebene Emailadresse. Ist das nicht der Fall, war die Anmeldung nicht erfolgreich.